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New Single Out the 22nd of Dec

Big news! Our new single “I Sjöormens Skugga” will be released the 22nd of December worldwide on every streaming platform. Here is a...

14th of May was a great show with great support!

Thank you everyone who supported us on the show in our hometown Östersund/Sweden, you made it to a great evening! A big thanks...

Music Video Själafrid is Out!

First show 14th of may

New lyricvideo is out!

Debut EP Skymningsland is Out!

Big News, New bandmember!

Big News! We would like you all to welcome our new member Fýr. We are very happy to have Fýr in the Eldfaerd...

Debut Ep “Skymningsland” is released the 23rd of december!

Hello everyone! We are very happy to share this news with you! The 23rd of december is the date to mark in your...
